Short-Call Abstracts

T. Brix

Acute pancreatitis is significantly increased among methimazole, but not propylthiouracil users. Evidence from a nationwide, case-crossover, and case-control study

N. Gunhanlar

Using human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell derived neural lineages to model TH signaling

P. Göhmann

High Throughput Screening (HTS) for identifying novel DIO3 Inhibitors

C. González-Guerrero

Mit and Dit are Pre-Clinical Biomarkers of Hypothyroidism in Dehal1 Deficient Mice and Humans

Rules for submission

  1. The aim of Short Call Abstracts is to present the newest, original and highest impact research in the field of thyroidology.
  2. The authors should indicate which of the three categories their work falls in: clinical, translational or basic. Abstracts should clearly state the following:
    - Presenting Author’s name (underlined) and full contact details, plus name and address of co-authors
    - Abstract title
    - The abstract text should contain no more than 400 words (including numbers and symbols) and should state the objectives, methods and results and conclusions of the study. Case reports should include introduction, case report and conclusions.
  3. The data submitted to be selected as Short Call Abstracts must be new, not published before (including meeting/conference presentations). NOTE: the “short-call” abstracts call is ONLY for very recently obtained, high quality data and will be a competition for very few presentation opportunities. Abstracts that do not fit these criteria and are deemed to be simply “late”, will not be accepted.
  4. The data submitted to be selected as Short Call Abstracts must not become publicly available before the first day of the ETA meeting. This means that if the authors submit their data for publication in a scientific journal and the paper is accepted, they must request the publisher to embargo their publication until the first day of the ETA meeting. Otherwise the authors will be asked to withdraw their abstract from the ETA meeting.

Abstract evaluation and deadlines

  1. Abstracts will be evaluated according to the same rules as regular abstracts.
  2. The chosen number of abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation on Monday afternoon (9th September)
  3. Dates:
    Submission Start: Wednesday, 31st July, 2019
    Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 7th August, 2019
    Notification of acceptance: Wednesday, 21st August, 2019

Short-call abstracts should be submitted to the Standing Office: only during the above dates!

Publication of Short-Call Abstracts

The selected short-call abstracts will be posted on the website prior to the meeting.